FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

World Food Safety Day 2024

Food Safety: Prepare for the Unexpected!

Cairo (Egypt), Hybrid Event, 10/06/2024 - 10/05/2024

Food Safety is Everyone’s Business

The FAO and WHO jointly facilitate the observance of World Food Safety Day (WFSD) on 7 June.

The WFSD was established by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2018.

For this year’s celebration, under the theme “World Food Safety Day 2024: Prepare for the Unexpected!”, the action-oriented campaign promotes global food safety awareness to strengthen efforts on preventing, detecting, and managing foodborne risks globally by underlining the importance of being prepared for food safety incidents, no matter how mild or severe they can be. 

Everyone - from policymakers, experts and producers to processors, distributors, retailers, restaurant outlets and consumers - is encouraged to consider if they are ready for the unexpected, and what they can do to better prepare to ensure everyone has access to safe food, even in case of unpredictable events.


The FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa (FAO-RNE) with the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (WHO-EMRO) will jointly co-organize awareness campaign events and will be inviting the member countries to nominate senior officials representing food safety competent authorities, FAO/WHO International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN), and the FAO Food Systems and Food Safety Division (ESF).

The participants will provide their perspectives, views and priorities to be taken into consideration in the ways we look on how can we better work towards ensuring safe and healthy food for everyone.

Agenda and Program

When: Monday 10 June 2024, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM (GMT+3).

Modalities: Hybrid Event | FAO-RNE Duty Station in Cairo (FAO-RNE Conference Room).

Structure and Method: This event comprises three panel sessions with presentations and a dialogue to align priorities, support mutual efforts, and address solutions to enhance ways of working together.

Moderator: Dr. Moustapha Mohamed, Food Safety and Quality Officer, FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa.


Proposed Subject and Content 


Opening Session and Remarks  

11:00 -11:05 

(5 min) 

Moderator’s welcome and event guide. 

FAORNE Moderator 

11:05 -11:25 

(20 min) 

Opening Remarks:  

Objectives and desired outcomes of the event. 

Dr. Abdulhakim Elwaer, Assistant Director General and Regional Representative, FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa. 

Dr. Hanan Balkhy, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean. 

11:25 – 11:35 

(10 min) 

Setting the Scene:  

Regional priorities and challenges to prepare for the unexpected and ensuring fast exchange of information and actions in the event of a food safety unforeseen events. 

Dr. Ahmad Mukhtar, OiC Regional Programme Leader, FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa 

Prepare for the Unexpected to Ensure Safe and Healthy Food for Everyone! 

11:35 – 11:50 

(15 min) 

Importance of preparedness and response to food safety outbreaks and emergencies in the context of risk analysis paradigm. 

Eng. Mazen Malkawi  


11:50 – 12:05 

(15 min) 

A cross-sectoral collaboration in the context of One Health system for managing and responding to emerging food safety incidents. 

Dr. Cornelia Boesch, Food Safety Officer,  

Food Systems and Food Safety Division (ESF) 

12:05 – 12:50 


(45 min; 15 min each) 

Foodborne outbreak investigation and responses – country management and communication plans  


Presented by Food Safety Competent Authorities in 3 countries in the region. 

Mr. Khalifa Ali Alhosani

Compliance and Enforcement Support Division Director, ADAFSA (UAE) 

Dr. Azzi Abdelghani

Director of Food and Feed Control and INFOSAN Moroccan Focal point,  

ONSSA (Morocco) 

Dr. Tarek El-Houby

Chairman of the Board of Directors,  

NFSA (Egypt) 

12:50 – 01:05 

(15 min) 

The International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) – celebrating 20th anniversary in facilitating the rapid exchange of information of food safety events across borders and between members. 

Dr. Eva Alzein 

WHO-EMRO/ HPD/CHE, on behalf of  

FAO/WHO International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) 

01:05 – 01:20 

(15 min) 

Food Safety prevention and response preparedness tools – the role of the CAC as an international food standards-setting organization. 

Dr. Sarah Cahill

Senior Food Standards Officer, FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) 

01:20 – 01:35 

(15 min) 

The WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) to ensure food safety and human health protection. 

Ms. Christiane Wolff 

Agriculture And Commodities Division (AGCD), World Trade Organization (WTO) 

01:35 – 01:55 

(15 min) 

Open discussions, followed by the participants’ feedback from the floor in response to selected guiding questions. 

Roundtable Discussions including Q&A 


Closing Session 

01:55 – 02:00  

(5 min) 

  • A way forward: Roadmap towards the regional framework of Action. 

  • Recap of key reflections, closing remarks, and acknowledgments. 

Dr. Ahmad Mukhtar, OiC Regional Programme Leader, FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa