FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

FAO evaluates Farmer Field Schools in Jordan, Palestine under Water Efficiency, Productivity and Sustainability project



The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations organized an evaluation mission from 25 to 29 May 2022, for the Farmer Field Schools (FFS) implemented in Jordan and Palestine under the Water Efficiency, Productivity and Sustainability regional project (WEPS-NENA). The main objective of the mission was to evaluate the implementation of the FFS in Jordan and Palestine in terms of achievements, application of FAO’s FFS approach, steps, exercises and reporting, as well as identification of challenges and lessons learnt.

The evaluation mission consisted of two main parts: The first part included a meeting at the Ministry of agriculture (MoA) with the Assistant Secretary General for Agricultural Extension and the heads of the agricultural extension departments. The purpose of this meeting was to provide updates on the progress of the FFS activities implemented under the WEPS-NENA project and to discuss the opportunities for institutionalizing FFS. Currently, the MoA has several FFS activities supported by different projects and the ministry itself. This meeting addressed the importance of establishing a FFS unit at the MoA to manage all FFSs of different projects in Jordan in order to join efforts, maximize outputs, avoid duplication and achieve better outcomes. The ministry staff also addressed the need for further capacity building for the agricultural extension staff on the FFS approach and on specific technical topics (e.g. irrigation management, advanced agricultural practices, hydroponic, etc.), as well as knowledge and experience sharing with other countries.

The second part of the mission included two on-ground evaluation missions for the FFS activities under the WEPS-NENA project by joining on-going FFS sessions in Al-Mashare’ area (North Jordan Valley). One visit was to the livestock FFS with participation from the national FFS coordinator and facilitators and two staff from the extension department of the MoA. The FFS session was conducted as usual for 20 women who have herds. The session included some topics related to herds’ health and nutrition, where practical exercises were also provided. In addition, a group dynamic exercise was conducted during the session.

The second visit was to a grapes FFS with participation of the FFS teams from Jordan, Palestine, and representatives from the extension departments of the Jordanian MoA. Around 20 farmers attended this FFS, where topics related to irrigation management and diseases were presented. In addition, a group dynamic exercise was conducted. Three famers presented their success stories, whom through the FFS implemented under the WEPS-NENA project were able to learn and apply good agricultural practices related to irrigation and fertilizer management, which improved farm production and income.

Finally, the evaluator presented and discussed the evaluation results and main points with the FFSs coordinators and facilitators from Jordan and Palestine. The main outputs from FFSs evaluation included: Farmers showed interest in the FFS activities and were interactive, where some farmers were able to adopt some good practices related to irrigation and fertilizer management. The evaluation also stated the importance of following the FFS approach developed by FAO considering all steps and providing detailed reports to enable the replication of the activities.

This activity is implemented under the framework of the regional project “Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency/ Productivity and Sustainability in the Near East and North Africa WEPS-NENA” implemented by FAO, and funded by the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency.