FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

FAO organizes training on the methodologies for calculating indicators of food insecurity and the prevalence of undernourishment related to SDG2



Algiers, 17 to 21 November 2019: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has organized a national training workshop for capacity building of statistical services staff at the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries (MADRP) and the National Office of Statistics (ONS). The training involves the methodologies for estimating, calculating and monitoring indicators of the prevalence of undernourishment as well as moderate or severe food insecurity. The workshop is part of an FAO support program aimed at strengthening national statistical capacity to expand the number of indicators produced and published at national and global levels.

In her address, Ms. Ratiba Sengui, Program Officer of the FAO Representation in Algeria, recalled FAO's technical support role to accompany national institutions in the process of implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda by 2030 and, in particular, the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG2) which concerns food security and nutrition.

During the workshop, the executives responsible for the household consumption survey as well as the members of the SDG monitoring committee under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, were equipped to master methods for calculating the indicators for SDG2. These indicators include 2.1.1., which measures the prevalence of undernourishment in a given context; and 2.1.2., which calculates the prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity. Both help measure a country's progress towards meeting the first target of Sustainable Development Goal 2, which is “by 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round.”

The workshop was opened by M. Youssef Bazizi, the Director of Social Statistics and Revenue at the National Office of Statistics (ONS) in Algeria who is also a member of the United Nations Group of Experts on Indicators of the SDGs. He highlighted the efforts of the ONS to expand the number and quality of indicators produced.

Ms. Fatma Mokhtari, the representative of MADRP, for her part, reviewed the role of the Ministry in coordinating the process of implementing and monitoring the SDGs related to agriculture, forestry and fisheries and reaffirmed the importance of these activities and the capacity building supported by FAO.