FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency, Productivity and Sustainability in NENA Countries

©FAOSNE participants at the conference with experts


29  March, 2019 - Tabarka/Tunisia: As part of the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency and Productivity in 8 countries of the region: Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Iran, FAO launched the project "Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency, Productivity and Sustainability in the Near East and North Africa Countries."

The Tabarka workshop from 26 to 28 March is a continuation of activities aimed at establishing the appropriate framework for the creation of a robust water accounting system based on existing knowledge and practices as well as recent remote sensing technologies. There is also a question of defining strategies and interventions that aim to increase the biophysical and economic productivity of water used for crops. 

The main objective is to facilitate, guide and support the work of the three thematic groups: Productivity, Accounting and Nexus Water/Energy/Agriculture , which were established for the project. The expected results are the sharing of acquired knowledge on mapping soil occupation by remote sensing and the Spanish experience on water productivity. The identification and validation of pilot sites in the Jendouba and Kairouan governorates, with the finalization of the Jendouba rapid water accounting analysis and the launch of the detailed analysis of water accounting and water productivity in both sites was also covered.

The culmination of the various consultations with national partner institutions, such as the National Institute of Field Crops (INGC), the Olive Institute and several departments involved from the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, conducted under the coordination of the Office of Planning and Balance of Hydraulic Resources (BPEH) made it possible to identify the olive and the cereals sectors as pilot sectors for Tunisia. Various targeted groups of skilled national partners have been equipped to better control remote sensing crop mapping with field applications in Jendouba. An introductory training course on methods of rapid water accounting and concepts of water efficiency and productivity has also been carried out.