FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

Libya celebrates World Food Day


Tripoli, 16 October, 2018: Along with more than 134 countries worldwide, Libya celebrated World Food Day (WFD) held this year under the slogan, "Acting for the Future: Zero Hunger in 2030 is Possible." The ceremony was celebrated at the headquarters of the Libyan Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Marine Resources, under the theme “Cooperatives Nourish Libya.”

Libyan Minister Abdul Monem Mawhoub confirmed the importance of agricultural cooperatives and their vital role in achieving food security, praising the ongoing cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in order to achieve it.

He said at the event: “Revitalizing the agricultural sector in Libya is an ongoing process, and the ministry is aware of its responsibilities in this regard, in spite of all challenges. We are doing our part in putting programs and plans aiming at reaching out to Libyan farmers and build their capacities in collaboration with FAO, our strategic partner in these efforts.”

He added: “For more than 70 years, FAO was working on revitalizing the agriculture sector in the world, and Libya is aware that achieving food security and reaching self-sufficiency must pass by sustainable agricultural development.”

Youssef Ben Gharsa, the national coordinator of the collaboration agreement with FAO, emphasized the importance of this agreement in building the capacity of those who work in the agricultural sector, and its direct contribution to achieving food security and self-sufficiency, one of the major challenges facing Libya currently.

The importance of the agricultural cooperatives in maintaining food security was highlighted, with the establishment of 170 new cooperatives, including three women’s, which is a good start towards encouraging women to play their role in collectivities, on the way to achieving sustainable development.

Agricultural pests were discussed as well, especially those attacking olives and date palms, with an emphasis on the ongoing collaboration with FAO in training farmers and agro-engineers in identifying these pests and limiting the danger they pose.

The celebration was concluded with the inauguration of a Libyan fruit and vegetable market, which was an opportunity for exchanging experiences between Libyan farmers and agricultural experts.

Libya joined FAO in 1954, and the organization implements many programmes and projects in Libya in coordination with many partners, mainly in the following areas: the Development of Agricultural Strategy; Strengthening National Capacities in Agriculture Sector; Emergency Assistance to Respond to the Outbreak of Date Palm Green Pit Scale Insect (palmaspis phoenicis); Control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Poultry and Other Domestic Birds; and the Improved Seed Programme.

FAO has also included Libya in many regional and sub-regional programmes such as: Strengthening capacities to prevent the Olive Quick Decline Syndrome (Xylella fastidiosa); Strengthening pest quarantine measures; and a programme for promoting sustainable positioning of professional organizations for a better integration of small-scale farmers in the food value chain. In addition, FAO conducts yearly surveys and studies about food and agricultural production in Libya.