FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

Presentation of the First National Strategy of Veterinary Services in Tunisia by 2030

@FAO SNE, Issam Azouri Mr. Moahmmed Bengoumi representing FAO subregional office at the event


Tunis, 18 June, 2019 - Mr. Samir Taieb, Minister of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries, chaired an official ceremony, co-organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), to present the National Veterinary Services Strategy of Tunisia towards 2030. Also present were the Secretary of State for Water Resources and Fisheries, the President of the National Union of Agriculture and Fisheries, the President of the Union of Tunisian Farmers, the President of the National Council of the Veterinary Medical Council and the Director General of Veterinary Services.

Included at the ceremony were representatives of Tunisia's technical and financial partners for the veterinary sector, among them the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Union, Embassy representatives and representatives of public institutions.

In his opening address, Mr. Taieb thanked the FAO for the important support and capacity building it has provided, enabling the development of this first National Veterinary Services Strategy in a participatory and inclusive process.

He declared the support and full commitment of the Tunisian Government for the strategy and invited public and private partners, international organizations and donors to assist in its implementation.

The FAO Representative in Tunisia and Coordinator of the North Africa sub-Regional Office, Philippe Ankers, praised Tunisia's efforts in the fight against and prevention of animal diseases, as well as for the improvement of the quality of animal products, in part through the recent promulgation of the law, "on the Safety and Quality of Food and Feed Products".

Mohammed Bengoumi, Animal Production and Health Officer in the FAO Office for North Africa, who provided technical support for the development of this strategy, highlighted the regional and cross-border dimension of prevention and control in the fight against animal diseases, noting the involvement of FAO in global animal health networks with the OIE through the global framework for the fight against transboundary diseases, the Mediterranean Animal Health Network (REMESA), and the European Commission for the fight against foot-and-mouth disease.

Mr. Abdelmajid Zar, President of the Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fishing, considered that extension services and the commitment of the breeders to the sustainable development of the animal production chains are necessary for the success of this strategy.

Mr. Karim Daoud, President of the Tunisian Farmers' Union (SYNAGRI), stressed that the importance of sensitization and training of small producers and breeders goes hand in hand with the importance of investing in the restructuring of veterinary services and their implementation in the field.

The strategy has three main focuses: the fight against animal diseases; the protection of veterinary public health; and the promotion of trade in animals and animal products. Follow-up indicators have been defined and three bankable projects have also been developed.

During the discussion, the partners stressed the importance of the strategy and expressed their willingness and interest to support its implementation.