FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

Training and knowledge sharing are key to facing the Fall Armyworm

Photo Credit: ©FAO


7 DECEMBER 2019, CAIRO, EGYPT- The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in cooperation with African Union held the workshop of the strengthening African Union Member States for surveillance and Integrated Management of the Fall Armyworm (FAW) – Spodoptera frugiperda project (TCP/RAF/3614). The workshop is aiming at training NPPOs FAW focal points to the use of FAW Monitoring, Early Warning System (FAMEWS) and on the IPM guide for Farmers' Field School. This workshop had three days of activities, and also targeting to share local methods effective for FAW management and agree on the most effective methods for upscaling, and to share FAW-related information among Member states, the best sustainable practice to control FAW and to make an inventory native natural enemies and to disseminate effective local FAW management practices.

In the opening, Dr Thaer Yaseen, Regional Plant Protection Officer for Near East and North Africa region (RNE), welcomed the participants and underscored their crucial role in achieving the project's objectives. Yassin underlined the importance of supporting FAO efforts on the surveillance of FAW to protect agricultural resources, which pose a significant threat to food security and agricultural investments. He gave an overview of FAO efforts and projects related to the surveillance, prevention of spread and control of Fall Armyworm in the world.


Yaseen also outlined that FAO's announcement of the Global Action for FAW control. This new Global initiative aims to mobilize 500 million USD would be dedicated during the next 3 years. He added that the regional office, in collaboration with the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), is organizing a regional training to control FAW in Cairo, Egypt (February 2020).


The Representative of the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MoALR), Dr. Ali Suleiman, highlighted the importance of pest protection for food security in the Region. In his statement, he spoke about the Egyptian efforts on plant protection and prevention of the entry and spreading of FAW. The ministry composed a National committee for FAW management to be able to take immediate action and prevent the spread of FAW in the country. Dr. Ahmed Abdelmageed, Director of Plant Protection Institute, affirmed that the close collaboration between FAO and the ministerial experts in MoALR was the central pillar in facing FAW in Egypt.

Dr Jean Gerard Mezui M'ELLA, Director of the Inter-African Phytosanitary Council (IAPSC) at the African Union, listed the efforts and programs of the UF on reinforcing the efforts of the country members in plant health and resources mobilization.


Dr M'ELLA emphasized that the next priority is to sign an African agreement on plant health; aiming to improve technical and knowledge capacities of quarantine staff in the African countries. He also highlighted the importance the exchange of knowledge between African countries on plant health measures; by building a phytosanitary information system; to allow the improvement of the communication on the prevention of transboundary diseases in the African Courtiers.

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Fall Armyworm - FAO