FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

FAO In Collaboration with NEPPO Developed Four Proposed Protocols and Standards for Phytosanitary Measures to Control the Red Palm Weevil.

24/06/2024, Hammamet

The Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa (RNE) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), along with the Near East Plant Protection Organization (NEPPO), collaborated with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources, and Fisheries in Tunisia to organize a regional workshop. The workshop focused on strategies for the prevention, early detection, and control of Red Palm Weevil (RPW) and took place on June 24-25, 2024, in Hammamet, Tunisia. The meeting was part of the activities outlined in the Letter of Agreement (LoA) signed between FAO and NEPPO under the framework of the FAO regional program for RPW (Red Palm Weevil) management "GCP/RNE/012/MUL" in the NENA (Near East and North Africa) region. The agreement entails the preparation of four drafts of phytosanitary protocols.

  1.  A protocol for producing certified date palm plants that are free of RPW.
  2. Effective phytosanitary treatments for date palm offshoots and ornamental seedlings at the border to prevent the spread of RPW.
  3. Protocol for creating RPW-free zone areas.
  4. Standard for harmonized phytosanitary measures against RPW 

This technical meeting is intended to discuss the draft protocols that have been developed as part of the activities under the LoA mentioned earlier. The goal is to enhance the national action plans for monitoring and controlling Red Palm Weevil (RPW) programs in the NENA countries. The meeting program included presentations on the latest innovations in RPW early detection, the guidelines for the movement of infested palms within the country and between countries, RPW phytosanitary measures, the date palm certification scheme, cost-effective treatments of date palm offshoots and protocol for Pest Free Area (PFA) for RPW.

A session was also dedicated to the farmers' field schools being conducted as part of the project in the Gafsa and Tozeur regions of Tunisia. The aim is to highlight their significance in empowering small-scale farmers in date palm production and pest management. 

’’The two-day meeting facilitated an exchange of experiences and national programs among participants for monitoring, early detection, and control of the Red Palm Weevil (RPW). Participants also discussed how to adopt and implement the developed guidelines and protocols under the project, and how to formulate harmonized RPW phytosanitary legislation and control strategies,” stated Thaer Yaseen, the Regional Plant Protection Officer at FAO RNE. 

The agenda included a technical visit to Nabeul, Tunisia, to learn about the Tunisian national RPW management program. This visit showcased field practices by Tunisian technical teams in detection and injection, and innovations for adapting control methods to urban infestations of canary palms. 

FAO RPW eradication program, “GCP/RNE/012/MUL,” is a five-year initiative aimed at enhancing RPW management efforts in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region. The project focuses on developing strategies, plans, tools, and technologies to assist NENA countries in sustainable RPW management through three main areas: governance, capacity building, and the transfer of knowledge and technology.