FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

FAO & Spain launch a project to bolster food security through adopting climate-smart agricultural practices

23/06/2024, Amman

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Jordan with the support of the Government of Spain, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), launched today the “Enhancing food security through adaptation to climate change and water scarcity in Ma’an and Karak Governorates” project, funded by the Government of Spain through the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).

The workshop was held under the patronage of H.E Eng. Khaled Al-Huneifat, Minister of Agriculture, in the presence of H.E the Spanish Ambassador to Jordan, Mr. Miguel de Lucas, the Director of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, Ms. Cristina Hernandez, and several representatives of project’s stakeholders and government partners. 

In line with the agreement bi-laterally signed by the two parties, FAO conducted an inception workshop to acquaint stakeholders and programme partners with the scope and outlines of the projects, in addition to covering the implementation strategy and work plan.

The projects aim at improving food security and livelihoods of the vulnerable communities in Maan and Karak Governorates, while contributing to water conservation through sustainable management, empowering local rural communities especially those suffering from poverty through capacity building and tool provision. 

 H.E. Mr. Miguel de Lucas, the Ambassador of Spain highlighted, “Through our participation in this project, we aim to assist Jordan in addressing the development challenges arising from chronic water scarcity, non-revenue water, unsustainable exploitation of renewable aquifers, climatic conditions, and population growth. These issues have not only exacerbated the vulnerability of local communities but have also created a critical imbalance between water supply and demand, leading to intense competition among socio-economic sectors.”

H. E. Mr. Khalid Hneifat, Minister of Agriculture, stated that, “Adapting to climate change and its severe impacts has become an urgent matter to ensure the provision of healthy and safe food to the population amid a large population increase, water scarcity and lack of production, by addressing the challenges of food availability, facilitating access, stability and use in ways that provide smallholder producers and rural communities with opportunities to increase income and employment. food production, and ecosystem sustainability.” He added, “We are aware of the great impact that climate change has on various levels and on the agricultural sector in particular, as temperatures rise significantly above the annual average, and rainfall rates fluctuate and decrease significantly, and as we launch one of the projects today in the southern governorates most affected by climate change, where last season, rainfall rates in the southern governorates did not reach 50% of the annual average, and this results in great consequences and suffering for farmers, their crops, and production rates, as well as a devastating impact on the livestock sector.”

FAO Representative in Jordan, Eng. Nabil Assaf, stated” This project will target 60 families for water harvesting projects and solar panel systems, in addition to providing the necessary assistance for the purposes of implementing hydroponic systems, taking into consideration targeting women and youth.”