FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

Workshop on Kingfish Stock Assessment in the RECOFI Area Kicks Off in Muscat

©Nasser Al Obaidani

24/09/2024, Muscat

From 23 to 25 September, 2024, the Sultanate of Oman is hosting a crucial workshop focused on the second assessment of Kingfish stocks in the RECOFI area. This workshop is being undertaken by the Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) under the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources, Oman, with the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia leading the technical assessment.

The Kingfish, also known as the Narrow-barred Spanish Mackerel, is a key stock of economic importance in the RECOFI region. As a highly migratory species, it moves across national boundaries, making regional-level assessment and management essential to fully understand and protect the stock. The workshop is a direct follow-up to the binding RECOFI Recommendation adopted in July 2019, which established a framework for data submission and coordinated management of Kingfish across the region. Despite the implementation of a RECOFI-wide closed season on fishing for Kingfish fishing with gillnets, preliminary assessments show stocks are still being overfished. Indicators reveal increased fishing mortality and decreased biomass compared to 2019, when stocks were at maximum sustainable yield. This decline underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive review and updated management strategies.

The workshop aims to assess current stock status, by examining the present condition of kingfish stocks and trends since the last assessment, reviewing data quality, assessing current data collection and stock assessment capabilities and exploring regional and national capacity development needs.

The workshop will bring together fishery biologists, researchers, and managers from RECOFI member countries, alongside experts from KAUST, the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) and the FAO. Participants are expected to contribute their expertise in data collection, analysis, and fisheries management.

This workshop represents a critical step in addressing the challenges facing kingfish fisheries in the RECOFI area. The outcomes will play a vital role in guiding future actions and policy adjustments to ensure sustainable management and conservation of kingfish stocks.