FAO in Nepal

New agribusiness project to improve food security in Nepal


Lalitpur.- A two-year project has been launched in Nepal to improve market opportunities for fresh produce that is free of chemical residue. The project will help to develop marketing chains for seasonal and off-season vegetables and citrus fruits that have been identified as safe for consumers and of good quality.

Currently many agricultural families living in rural areas live below the poverty line and don't produce enough fresh food themselves to feed their families. They have no choice but to buy additional food from local markets, which has often been contaminated with chemicals and hazardous pesticides.

Health problems in these communities, including different types of cancers and coronary disease, can partly be attributed to this unsafe food. As well as the health benefits for consumers, the project will also benefit traders by reducing the risk that their product will be discarded on safety and quality grounds. In late July, the Ministry of Agricultural Development held an inception workshop in Lalitpur to launch the project, with the technical support of FAO. The workshop was attended by 50 participants, representing government and non-government organizations. Also present was Dr Rosa Rolle, Senior Agro-Industry and Post-Harvest Officer, from the FAO Asia Pacific Regional Headquarters in Bangkok.

Speaking at the workshop, FAO Nepal Assistant Representative Dr Binod Saha, said the project would help to improve the technical capabilities of actors along the value chain, in safe food production and marketing. National Project Coordinator, Dr Hari Babu Tiwari, emphasized that the Ministry was very aware of the need to improve the capacity of extension workers, farmers and private sector traders in market-oriented safe crop production.