FAO in Nepal

Experts review the proposed pesticide policy

Lead Consultant Palikhe making presentation on pesticide policy

Technical Meeting to review the draft of pesticide policy was organized by the Directorate of Plant Protection Division (PPD) of the Department of Agriculture in Harihar Bhawan, Pulchowk Kathmandu on 23 March 2016.

Speaking in the meeting, Dilli Ram Sharma, Director of PPD said that the hazardous pesticide should not be sold without a prescription from the qualified practitioners and the agro-vet retailers should receive training prior to acquiring license to own an agro-vet shop for retailing of agro-vet products including pesticides. He further stressed on need of management of date-expired pesticides.

Bhakta Raj Palikhe, Pesticide Expert cum Lead consultant of FAO Project Strengthening pesticide management in agriculture to reduce risks to health and environment made a detailed presentation on proposed pesticide policy. Dwelling on the objectives of the proposed pesticide policy at the national level, Pesticide Expert Palikhe said the proposed policy will be instrumental to improve legislative framework and to ensure that Nepal is better protected from health and environmental risks posed by pesticides. 

He added that the policy will integrate relevant international agreements and initiatives from other government departments.

The draft of the policy will be submitted to the Ministry of Agricultural Development in order to get endorsement from the government.

20 officials of the different agencies of the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agricultural Development, participated in the meeting. Also present in the meeting was Arjun Singh Thapa, Program Officer of FAO Representation in Nepal.

Currently, the Government of Nepal with the support from FAO is implementing a technical cooperation program that aims at reducing pesticide risks in agriculture ensuring food safety, and minimizing adverse effects on health and environment which will lead to better health of crop producers, pesticide handlers, consumers and environment.