FAO in Nepal

Training organized to enhance agro-vet retailers’ skill on pesticide handling

Senior Plant Protection Officer facilitating a session of the training

Pesticide Management in Nepal Project (TCP/NEP/3502) organized a four-day long training on safe pesticide handling, management and Code of Practices (CoP) from March 7 to 10, 2016, Dhulikhel, Kavre.  The training was aimed at enhancing knowledge and skills to pesticide entrepreneur, agro-vets (retailers) and traders on safe handling, management and Code of Practices (CoP) of pesticides.  The training was organized by the Plant Protection Division under the Department of Agriculture of the Government of Nepal with the support of the FAO Country Office in Nepal. Speaking on the opening session of the training, Deepak Poudel, Senior Agriculture Development Officer of Kavre, said that the participants of the training are encouraged to promote to practices to reduce risks throughout the lifecycle of pesticides aiming at minimizing adverse effects on human beings, animals and the environment.

In an interaction with the participants, Arjun Singh Thapa, Program Officer of FAO Nepal,  hoped that the participants will be able to contribute in preventing accidental poisoning resulting from handling, storage, transport, use or disposal, as well as from the presence of pesticide residues in food and feed.

Rit Kumar Sapkota, a participant, thanked the facilitators and the organizers of the training for giving the participants an extensive knowledge on adaptation of life cycle approach of pesticides to address all major aspects related to the development, registration, production, trade, packaging, labeling, storage, transport, handling and disposal.  

25 representatives from the pesticide retailers and entrepreneurs of  Kavre disitrict participated in the training. Lead Consultant of the project Bhakta Raj Palikhe, , Consultant Nawa Raj Acharya, Senior Plant Protection Officer Rajiv Das Rajbhandari,  Senior Plant Protection Officer Hom Nath Lamsal, Senior Plant Protection Officer Dinesh Babu Tiwari and Plant Protection Officer Hom Bahadur BK facilitated the training.