FAO in Nepal
Kathmandu-The Government of Nepal, UNDP and the Food and Agriculture Organization on Monday launched a new project to integrate climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector. According to a 2015 study, the impact of climate change on Nepal’s agriculture is likely to reduce GDP by about 0.8 per cent per year...
Lalitpur- Government of Nepal, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation, with the technical assistance of FAO and ICIMOD, organized a 4-day write-shop on Nepal FRL Assessment: Development of Forest Reference Level for Nepal from 20-23 September, 2016 in Godavary, Lalitpur Nepal. A total number of 20 participants representing National and...
Kathmandu- Department of Food Technology and Quality Control (DFTQC), Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD), has organized a country level advocacy meeting on Codex & INFOSAN (International Network of Food Safety Authorities) Networking at Hotel YaK & Yeti in Kathmandu on 22 September 2016 with technical & financial support from the...
Ginger crop generates important cash income to ginger-farmers in the target districts. However, many farmers were unaware of good practices to have better harvest and post-harvest management of the produce ensuring optimum price available to them. The farmers planted locally available cultivars, which are low yielding and susceptible to rhizome...
After a decade-long armed conflict, Nepal is moving forward with the peace process. From October 2012 to March 2015, in a Joint UN Programme with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UN Women, FAO has been supporting the peace process in Nepal through the Gender Responsive Recovery for Sustainable Peace...