FAO in Nepal
  Biratnagar- A 5-Day Training of Trainers (ToT) on Agriculture Sector Integration of Climate Change Adaptation is initiated on 23 March 2019 at Hotel Asiatique in Biratnagar for government officials from province 1. The training is, jointly organized by Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development of the Federal Government and Ministry...
Kathmandu- The Government of Nepal has celebrated the International Day of Forests (IDF) 2019 in Kathmandu from 19-21 March 2019 with series of activities in collaboration FAO, IUCN, ICIMOD and other development partners. Speaking on the main ceremonial function, Minister of Forest and Environment Shakti Bahadur stressed on the need to...
Kathmandu-The three-day international conference on Food Sovereignty and Peasants Rights has concluded in the capital on Monday issuing a 16-point Kathmandu Declaration. Addressing the opening session of the conference, PM K. P. Oli said that the government will encourage small farmers towards commercial farming through effective programmes and policies.  PM Oli...
Dhulikhel-A weeklong training on import risk analysis designed for Government veterinary officials and other relevant stakeholders kicked off on 12 March 2019 in Dhulikhel. Addressing the opening session of the training, Mr Bimal Kumar Nirmal, Director-General at the Department of Livestock Service, said that trainers and participants should focus on the...
Dhulikhel-4-Day Workshop for the development of AGRISQuestionnaires jointly organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development the Government of Nepal (MoALD), Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) and FAO was kicked off on 5 March 2019 in Dhulikhel. The AGRISurvey Programme supports countries to strengthen their national system of agricultural surveys...