FAO in Nepal
Nuwakot- Banchare is a small village in Tadi Rural Municipality-5 of Nuwakot, located about 30 meters above the Saureni landslide area in central Nepal. Twenty-one families with agriculture as the major source of livelihood live in the village. About 50 percent of families’ agricultural land, especially paddy fields, is situated...
Kathmandu - A month-long observance of the 37th World Food Day (WFD) throughout 75 districts of Nepal has come to an end with the distribution of the certificate and cash prizes to the outstanding farmers.   This year’s slogan of the World Food Day is Change the future of migration. Invest in food...
Laxmi Sunar wants her daughter to have the best possible education, but her most urgent concern is making sure that her family has enough food to eat. “In the past five years, climate change has affected us,” Laxmi says. “Rain is uncertain. Crops have been damaged by fog and hail stones....
21-year old Ashmita Thapa lives in southern Nepal, in Narapani-2, Bhuwan Danda area. She has been married for six years. Last year her husband left to work in Saudi Arabia. He was a farmer prior to this, and grew enough food for the family. But the yields are now poorer and poorer,...
Kathmandu-A national policy dialogue on Enhancing Rural Livelihoods in Underutilised/abandoned Agricultural Land through Agroforestry was recently held in Kathmandu on 16 August 2017. The dialogue was jointly organised by the Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservations and FAO Nepal. In the dialogue more than 45 participants from government ministries, national and...