FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

2020 Targets: Renewing Commitments and Galvanizing Action

Hybrid Event, 06/07/2020

The webinar provides information, in a series of mini panels and presentations by custodian agencies and other champions, on the state of individual 2020 targets and plans for accelerating implementation.

Member States created 21 targets across 12 SDGS with an accelerated 2020 timeline. These targets all have strong links with the rest of the Agenda, so meaningful progress in the 2020 targets will advance the Agenda as a whole; at the same time, durable success in the 2020 targets will be possible only with achievements across the SDGs. As the global community prepares to take stock of progress across the 2030 Agenda at the High Level Political Forum(HLPF), these targets that fall due in 2020 merit specific attention.