FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

Briefing on new book "Indigenous Peoples' Food Systems: insights on sustainability and resilience from the frontline of climate change"

Hybrid Event, 25/06/2021

This new publication provides an overview on the common and unique sustainability elements of indigenous peoples' food systems, in terms of natural resource management, access to the market, diet diversity, indigenous peoples’ governance systems, and links to traditional knowledge and indigenous languages. While enhancing the learning on indigenous peoples' food systems, it raises awareness on the need to enhance the protection of indigenous peoples' food systems as a source of livelihood for the 478 million of indigenous peoples in the world, while contributing to Zero Hunger.

The publication is the results of joint efforts between FAO and Alliance of Bioversity-International and CIAT, providing analyses of eight different Indigenous Peoples’ food systems in Asian, Pacific, Latin American, Arctic and African regions identifying threats affecting their food security. It warns about their future and the impacts their disappearance will have on humanity's ability to adapt to climate change.

Following the high-level virtual launch event from Rome, where the FAO Director-General will speak, the Chief of FAO's Indigenous Peoples Unit and the Chair of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) will then present ahead of the UN noon press briefing in New York.

Read more about FAO's work on indigenous peoples food systems.

Read the press release on the book's launch and access the book here.