FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

FAO at the ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS) 2024

24/06/2024 - 28/06/2024

©FAO/Luis Tato

Since 1998, the ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS) has been an essential platform for discussing the activities and issues related to strengthening the coordination and effectiveness of the humanitarian assistance of the United Nations. The HAS provides a key opportunity for Member States, the United Nations system, development actors, the private sector and other humanitarian partners to discuss current and emerging humanitarian challenges and priority themes and share experiences and lessons learned.

The 2024 HAS will take place from 25 to 27 June in New York. The HAS will be chaired by His Excellency Ambassador Ivan Šimonović, Permanent Representative of Croatia to the United Nations in New York, in his capacity as the ECOSOC Vice-President for the HAS. On the basis of the ECOSOC decision agreed on 9 April, the theme for the 2024 HAS is “Putting humanity first in the face of conflicts and climate change: strengthening humanitarian assistance and respect for international humanitarian law, and promoting effectiveness, innovation and partnerships” (E/2024/L.6).

Four high-level panel discussions will be held during the HAS under the following themes:

  1. “The seventy-fifth anniversary of the Geneva Conventions: reversing the erosion of respect for international humanitarian law and its humanitarian consequences”;
  2. “Addressing the adverse impacts of climate change in humanitarian emergencies”;
  3. “Embracing innovation and adapting new technology in humanitarian assistance”;
  4. “Transformative humanitarian action: women and girls at the centre of prevention, response and protection”.

In addition to high-level panel discussions, the organization of the HAS will include opening and closing sessions, including a general discussion and action on the annual ECOSOC humanitarian resolution on Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations. A limited number of side events will be held on the margins of the HAS from 24 to 28 June. 

The ECOSOC Meeting to Discuss the Transition from Relief to Development will be held immediately preceding the HAS in New York on 24 June, under the theme “Transition from relief to development: transformative actions to build resilience, promote sustainable solutions and address challenges and gaps for the most vulnerable in crisis contexts” (E/2024/L.5).  

Visit the dedicated ECOSOC HAS 2024 website and follow @FAONewYork on Twitter for all the latest updates. 


FAO participation at the ECOSOC HAS 2024


Monday, 24 June 2024 | 10:30-13:00 EDT | ECOSOC Chamber

'Meeting on the transition from Relief to Development (Panel 1: Durable Solutions)'

FAO participant: Beth Bechdol, Deputy Director-General, FAO (virtual)



Monday, 24 June 2024 | 13:15-14:30 EDT | CR 6

Side-Event - 'From Rhetoric to Action: Women and Girls Leading in Humanitarian Food Security Responses'

FAO participant: Dervla Cleary, OER Officer, FAO


Tuesday, 25 June 2024 | 13:15-14:30 EDT | CR 7

Side-Event - 'The Urgent Need to Address Famine Risks and Acute Food Insecurity: how can we rapidly avert and prevent current and future food crises?'

FAO participant: Guangzhou Qu, Director of the FAO Liaison Office in New York


Wednesday, 26 June 2024 | 10:30-13:00 EDT | ECOSOC Chamber

HAS High-level Panel - 'Addressing the adverse impacts of climate change in humanitarian emergencies'

FAO video message from Beth Bechdol, Deputy Director-General, FAO 



Wednesday, 26 June 2024 | 13:15-14:30 EDT | CR 7

Side-Event - 'Underfunding and the cost of inaction: how to address one of the main challenges to humanitarian response'

FAO participant: Dervla Cleary, OER Officer, FAO



Thursday, 27 June 2024 | 15:00-18:00 EDT | ECOSOC Chamber

HAS Closing Session - 'Continuation of the General Discussion & adoption of the HAS resolution'

FAO participant: Guangzhou Qu, Director of the FAO Liaison Office in New York