FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

FAO Green Cities Action Programme: Building Back Better for SDGs

Hybrid Event, 18/09/2020

FAO is hosting “Green cities to build back better for SDGs - A new powerful venture”, to be held on the occasion of the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. The virtual event will launch the “FAO Green Cities Action Programme”, a new initiative focusing on small, intermediate and metropolitan cities that aims to improve people’s wellbeing through increased availability of and access to products and services provided by green spaces, including urban and peri-urban forestry, agriculture and by sustainable food systems. The High-Level event will kick-off a dialogue with key actors at national and international level and will be an opportunity to call on cities, donors and partners to join the initiative. 

The event will take place on 18 September from 12:00 to 14:00 (EST).

For more information, visit the website.

Register here.

Read the concept note.

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