FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

High-level Ministerial Meeting on the Humanitarian Situation in Afghanistan

Hybrid Event, 13/09/2021


The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres will convene a High-level Ministerial Meeting on the Humanitarian Situation in Afghanistan on Monday, 13 September 2021. The meeting will highlight the acute needs in the country and will underscore the urgent funding support and actions required by international partners to support the Afghan people during their time of need.

The country faces an extremely dire situation and is confronted with protracted conflict, severe drought and the COVID-19 pandemic in a context where some 18 million Afghans – almost half of the population – were already in need of aid. More than 550 000 people have been displaced in the country since January 2021. One in three Afghans is experiencing crisis or emergency level of food insecurity, and more than half of the children under age 5 are at the brink of acute malnutrition. The severe drought is compounding the humanitarian crisis, and the upcoming winter conditions are expected to be harsh. Humanitarian partners are therefore calling for urgent supplies for the country. 

As part of the Flash Appeal, FAO urgently required USD 36 million to support an additional 3.5 million people over the next four months.

*The FAO Director-General will address the High-level Ministerial Meeting. 

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Stay informed on FAO's work in Afghanistan and access FAO's 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan for Afghanistan.

See the FAO Director-General's statement here.