FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

ICSP-17 SIDE EVENT: Mainstreaming climate change into international fisheries governance, The case of regional fisheries bodies


ORGANIZED BY: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Climate change is causing significant shifts in fish stocks globally, thereby challenging current fisheries management strategies. While Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs) are increasingly recognizing these challenges, many struggle to engage in the topic of climate change despite the existence of good science. In line with the request from the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI), relevant work is underway to support RFBs' effective responses to climate change, including the convening of two FAO workshops on climate change with RFBs.

This side event, organized by FAO, aims to discuss the role of RFBs in addressing the impacts of climate change on transboundary fisheries management, highlighting ongoing efforts, and exploring the potential for regional coordination frameworks.



Opening remarks by chairperson (NOAA)

Introduction to the event (FAO/RSN)

Impacts of climate change on shared fisheries resources and management responses

  • Atlantic Ocean (ICCAT)
  • Indian Ocean (BOBP-IGO)
  • Pacific Ocean (FFA)

Discussion and suggestions on the way forward

Q & A