FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

2018 CERF high-Level pledging event





2018 CERF high-Level pledging event
Carla Mucavi, Director, FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York


First, let me thank CERF for its continued support to FAO. Since its creation in 2006, CERF is a key partner for FAO to save lives and livelihoods and it has been consistently among the top 5 donors to FAO humanitarian projects.

Over the years, with CERF funding FAO has helped millions of people hit by crises to continue producing and accessing food despite violence and natural disaster.

In 2016 FAO reached 2.7 million people affected by crises in 25 countries, thanks to CERF funding of 26 million US dollars.

In the present year, CERF contribution to FAO has already reached 33 million US dollars. This has allowed us to help save lives and protect livelihoods of many more people, including by assisting pastoral families affected by drought in the Sahel.

I want to emphasize that safeguarding livelihoods remains a critical part of humanitarian assistance, particularly given that the majority of those suffering acute hunger are rural families – farmers, herders, fishers, foresters, often living in remote areas and far from basic services. By protecting their livelihoods, we not only provide them with a means to feed themselves, but also help them preserve assets that will be vital when the time come to rebuild lives and communities.


Ladies and gentlemen,

CERF plays an essential role in enabling FAO to meet immediate needs and prevent hunger when disaster strikes. Looking forward, I would like to highlight the value of expanding investment in early action in response to early warnings. CERF is best placed for this thanks to its speed and efficiency in allocating funds, which is essential given the limited window of opportunity to implement early action.  

With an El Niño developing as we speak, this is a critical opportunity for CERF’s anticipatory funding to mitigate the potentially devastating impacts of this event on the food security of millions.

Thank you for your attention.