FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly 2nd Committee - item 24/b on South-South Cooperation for development


71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly

2nd Committee - item 24/b on South-South Cooperation for development

Statement by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Delivered by the Director of the FAO Liaison Office to the UN, Carla Mucavi

6 October, 2016, United Nations


Mr. Chairman,

FAO welcomes the reports on South-South Cooperation which both reiterate FAO’s commitment and active role as a facilitator of S-S-C.

The importance of South-South and triangular cooperation are recognized in FAO’s Programme of Work and Budget and complement traditional cooperation efforts that support food security and nutrition, agricultural development, and the national implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Let me share with you a few examples of FAO partners in this area.

The China-FAO South-South Programme supports agricultural and rural development in 28 countries with investments of 80 million US Dollars.

Key partners also include Brazil, South Africa, Turkey and Venezuela. We work together in areas such as sustainable agricultural development and strengthening of comprehensive food security and nutrition programs that include productive and social protection components.

I would like to note that an increasing number of countries are engaging in South-South Cooperation through in-kind contributions.

For example, Singapore and FAO are partnering to set up a model port that will be used by Asian and African countries as a learning tool in the context of the implementation of Port-State Measures Agreement.

Israel is offering in-kind expertise in the areas of agribusiness and dairy farming to countries such as Kenya and Kyrgyzstan.

FAO is also cooperating with country groupings such as the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States.




FAO recently set-up a South-South Cooperation Gateway to encourage greater participation in this area. The Gateway currently has 11 countries on board (Argentina, Chile, China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Namibia, Peru, Senegal and Uruguay) and 35 participating institutions.

To support this effort, FAO has launched new tools such as the South-South Cooperation Guide and training packages that include online e-learning courses.

The publication “FAO’s South-South Cooperation and Triangular Strategy in Action” provides further details on these highlights and other initiatives.

Thank you for your attention.