FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

Briefing on the Syria Response - Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), and the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RPs), Neighbouring Countries

Remarks delivered by Mr. Lucas Tavares FAO Liaison Officer to the United Nations







Briefing on the Syria Response - Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP),

and the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RPs), Neighbouring Countries


Remarks delivered by Mr. Lucas Tavares

FAO Liaison Officer to the United Nations


12 January 2016, UNHQ, Conference Room 1


Thank you for giving me the floor.


I would like to add on what has already been said by highlighting that the Syrian conflict is severely impacting the food security of its population and its food production.


Hunger now affects over half of the people remaining in Syria:  8.7 million people are considered food insecure; half of them live in rural areas.


Supporting the resilience and livelihoods of rural families and communities is crucial to avoid that more people become dependent on food aid and for the longer term recovery of Syria. Let me also point out that women represent over 60 percent of the agricultural labour force in Syria.


Under the “Whole of Syria” approach, FAO is currently supporting over 1.2 million people in thirteen Governorates. The assistance we deliver with different partners include:

  • Support to food production
  • Restoration and stabilisation of agricultural livelihoods, and rehabilitation of agricultural infra-structure and irrigation systems
  • Co-leadership of the food security coordination cluster with the World Food Programme.

This assistance is made possible thanks to the generous contribution of donors such as Italy, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.


Response to the Syrian crisis must also address the situation of well over 4 million refugees in neighbouring countries.


Looking ahead, the food security situation in 2016 remains fragile. And further support will be necessary to assist the millions in need. And, as UNDP Administrator Ms. Helen Clark pointed out in her remarks, we must respond to the Syrian crisis by addressing together the need to provide emergency support and build resilience.


Thank you for your attention.