FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

Closing remarks Launch of the A2R leadership group high level event


Closing remarks

Launch of the A2R leadership group high level event

Ms Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, FAO

UNGA, 23 September 2016

15:30-16:00, Conference Room 7, UNHQ


Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Climate change threatens to derail global progress and efforts to eliminate extreme poverty and hunger.

The ambitious 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda cannot be achieved without building climate resilience.

The world’s 2.5 billion most vulnerable people -- those hardest hit by climate change -- are also those who provide the bulk of the planet's food.

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries can be a transformational force in our response to climate change.

To feed a growing global population in a changing climate, we must transition to more productive, sustainable and resilient agriculture.

But climate resilient agriculture requires knowledge, expertise, partnerships, increased public and private investments and links to other climate resilient sectors such as health and energy.

This is why FAO is strongly engaged in the A2R initiative. We are proud to co-chair the leadership group with UNEP and look forward to working with other key partners.

We believe this initiative can spur the efforts needed to ensure that no one is left behind.

It is my honour to close this meeting in thanking the Secretary General for his wise vision and to welcome you all to join forces together to build a climate resilient planet.

Thank you