FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

FAO at the International Dialogue on Migration 2023

Statement by Giulia Castro, FAO Migration and Rural Employment Specialist


Leveraging Human Mobility in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals

Panel 2: Empowering diasporas, migrants and displaced persons as development agents 

As prepared for delivery

Esteemed Speakers and Participants of this Panel. Thank you for drawing attention to this important topic 

Diaspora communities represent a powerful force for the development of their countries of origin, spurring job creation in key sectors of the economy, including in the agrifood sector

To maximize the impact of diaspora contributions to food security, it is crucial both to invest in mechanisms that facilitate the transfer of resources into agribusiness and to involve diaspora organizations in decision-making processes related to agrifood systems

To this end, FAO is committed to strengthening the enabling environment for diaspora contributions to agribusiness, while also empowering diaspora agripreneurs and networks

For instance, in Uganda FAO organized the first series of Diaspora Agribusiness Conferences, and an Award to celebrate successful diaspora agripreneurs who generated youth employment opportunities in agribusiness. FAO also set up the first Uganda Diaspora Agribusiness Network together with diaspora agripreneurs. The Network is facilitating diaspora investments and skills transfer back home

In order to strengthen diaspora voices and maximize their contributions, it is of critical importance to create enabling environments in areas of origin, and engage diaspora networks as development partners 

This will require enhanced coordination between sectoral policy and programme actors at all levels

Thank you for your attention and for providing a platform for this timely discussion.