FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

Financing for Development Forum 2024 General Debate Statement

Francesca Zoppi, Strategic Partnerships and Advocacy Specialist, FAO


Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, all Protocol observed. 

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations welcomes the organization of the Financing for Development Forum 2024 and the upcoming Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development in 2025 with its preparatory process.  

Today, as we come together to address urgent global challenges, we find ourselves at a crucial moment in history.  

Agrifood systems are essential in the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, including the eradication of hunger and poverty, mitigation of climate change, and promotion of equality. 

However, despite their critical significance, agrifood systems encounter substantial obstacles. 

For many small-scale producers, particularly those in developing nations, access to finance remains a barrier. Moreover, the distribution of existing public support often overlooks those most in need, perpetuating disparities, and impeding strides towards inclusive and sustainable agrifood systems. 

Yet within these challenges lies immense opportunity. Through the strategic repurposing of current public support and the mobilization of additional financial investments, we can ignite transformative progress. Blended finance, utilizing concessional funds to attract both private and public investment, emerges as a potent mechanism to unlock resources for climate-smart projects and resilience-building endeavors. 

As we navigate the terrain of agrifood systems transformation, it becomes imperative to prioritize inclusivity, sustainability, and resilience. By fostering an environment conducive to finance and investment, advocating for green and sustainable financial solutions, and redirecting agricultural subsidies towards public goods and services, we can move towards a better future for everyone. 

Looking ahead to the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development in 2025, FAO aims to steer discussions towards addressing the critical issue of the Sustainable Development Crises, particularly those pertaining to food, climate, and energy. We advocate for the incorporation of this vital topic into the Financing for Development agenda to align with the overarching goals of the United Nations and international community. 

In conclusion, let's reaffirm our strong commitment to prevent and mitigate food crises while transforming agrifood systems. By harnessing financial resources, fostering partnerships, and innovating new finance solutions, we can build a world where everyone has access to healthy food, livelihoods are stable, and the planet thrives.  

FAO stands prepared to engage with all stakeholders to ensure that the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development yields tangible progress towards building inclusive, sustainable, and resilient agrifood systems.  

Together, let us seize this opportunity to forge a future that is more equitable and prosperous for all. 

Thank you.