FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

First Global Meeting of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP)

Ms Mariann Kovacs Senior Liaison Officer, FAO LON



Ms Mariann Kovacs

Senior Liaison Officer, FAO LON


First Global Meeting of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes

on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP)


FAO is particularly happy to see the Sustainable Food Systems Programme being part of this First Global Meeting of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production.


First because this programme can play a major role for the achievement of food security and nutrition and the SDGs.


Secund because it is the result of four years of work in collaboration with UNEP and the members of the Task Force of the program.


Finally because it takes place at a key moment for the program, just after a very successfull public consultation and when we are finalizing the program.


The importance of agriculture and food systems for sustainable development in the last years has been acknowledged at the top of the UN agenda. There is growing recognition of sustainability of food systems as a condition to ensure food security and nutrition, now and in the long term.


The work of FAO has been instrumental in that respect, in particular, together with other Rome based agencies, towards the Rio+20 Conference, the Zero Hunger Challenge initiative of the Secretary-General, as well as, towards the preparation of Sustainable Development Goals.  


Sustainability in all its dimensions is key in the work of FAO.  Sustainable food production and consumption at the heart of much of  FAO’s technical work.  The SFSP has synergies with  the three FAO main goals and  fits directly into FAO Strategic Objectives.


FAO has supported the FAO-UNEP Sustainable Food Systems Programme since its establishment in 2011 with the objective of its recognition as part of the 10YFP.


The Committee on Agriculture, at its twenty-fourth Session, has encouraged FAO to integrate further its work on the sustainability of food systems, including the development of a programme on sustainable food systems to be integrated in the 10YFP.


This programme is also a key element of the collaboration between FAO and UNEP.


FAO welcomes the leadership taken by countries and stands ready to provide  support to them in  the  coordination desk.


FAO is also ready to provide, as appropriate, support to programme work areas, including as coordinator; depending on  the program of work and on its links with FAO Programme of Work and Budget (PWB) adopted by our member states.


We are now in the phase of finalization of the program. FAO has a very broad experience of multistakeholder processes. They play an increasing role to ground and enlarge our action. This is why FAO will be particularly attentive to the way the selection of the members of the MAC is conducted. Stakeholder groups should be representative of their constituencies and a fair and transparent selection process should be adapted. It is, by experience, a major determinant of success for multistakeholder processes.