FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

High-level Political Forum “National mechanisms for monitoring progress and reporting on implementation for the achievement of SDGs”


High-level Political Forum

“National mechanisms for monitoring progress and reporting on implementation for the achievement of SDGs”

Remarks by the Director of the FAO Liaison Office to the UN, Ms. Carla Mucavi

14 July 2016, 10:00-11:30am, Trusteeship Chamber, UN, New York

Statement of Ms. Carla Mucavi/FAO LON Director


 Thank you for giving me the floor Mr. Moderator. 

Based on experiences from the MDG era, it is recognized that a country-led, strong, inclusive and participatory review process is fundamental in implementing the Agenda 2030 and the achievement of the SDGs. 

The availability and the use of accessible, timely, reliable and disaggregated data must be in the focus of national agendas in order to cope with the responsibility to report on the SDG indicators.

To fulfil this task, we will need a strong partnership between international agencies and countries.

While governments have the primary responsibility of collecting data at national level, international agencies responsible for the compilation of SDG indicators will help ensure that data are comparable between countries and that they are aggregated at regional and global levels.

This partnership will also play a crucial role in building capacity in countries to collect and analyze data, work on further methodological development of the Global Indicator Framework, and support coordination e with other stakeholders interested in contributing to the monitoring and development of the indicator.

FAO has been tasked with the responsibility to compile data for more than 20 SDG indicators in SDGs 2, 5, 6, 12, 14 and 15. Responding to this request and building on our existing strong partnerships with governments, statistical agencies and other stakeholders, FAO is ready to support countries in the implementation and monitoring of the SDGs.

Thank you.