FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

Joint Consultation for Laos’ Sensitization Mission


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations participated in the Joint Consultation for Laos’ Sensitization Mission to present the draft 7th National Socio-Economic Development Plan for 2011-2015. The statement of the organization was delivered by Sharon Brennen-Haylock, Senior Liaison Officer, FAO Liaison Office in New York.

FAO Speaking points for the Joint Consultation for Laos’ Sensitization Mission to present the draft 7th National Socio-Economic Development Plan for 2011-2015
27 May 2010, New York

FAO wishes to applaud the Government of Lao PDR for its relentless efforts in achieving the Millennium Development Goals while putting the country on an economic growth path. We appreciate the participatory process of preparing the 7th NSEDP, and FAO, as a member of the UN Country Team, already provided inputs to the UNCT consolidated response.  We are grateful for the opportunity to provide additional comments, which we hope will serve to sharpen the 7th NSEDP.  In the interest of time, I will keep my comments short, and can provide more extensive information upon request.

As we have heard in the various presentations by the representatives of the Lao PDR Government, the agricultural and rural component of the 7th NSEDP are very important aspects, given that over 75 percent of the 6 million populace of Lao PDR live in rural areas and its economy is heavily dependent on agriculture: the share of agriculture in GDP is 40 percent. Rice accounts for about 90 percent of annual cereal production. One-third of the population, predominantly in upland areas, experiences rice deficits for four months in a normal year.

As indicated in the Executive Summary of the 7th NSEDP, the average annual GDP growth has been 7.9% (which exceeds the target by 0.4%-points).  However, as we have heard already, there continues to be challenges in the area of malnutrition, as well as the reduction of child malnutrition.  This leads us to suggest that the realization of the right to food of all Laotians should be embedded in the main development goals of the 7th NSEDP and should be reflected in the vision of the plan.

With respect to cross cutting issues, food security and nutrition are cross-cutting issues that require input from many ministries. Since the reduction of food insecurity is one of the goals of the 7th NSEDP we suggest that there should be a sub-section on food security and nutrition. This section should include a definition of food security and nutrition to highlight the different dimensions of the concept and refer to the approved National Nutrition Strategy (NNS) and the National Plan of Action for Nutrition INPAN) to provide more precise guidance to the individual ministries.  Related to this, should be a mechanism for coordination of food security and nutrition in the implementation arrangements of the plan.

FAO welcomes this opportunity to contribute to the development and implementation of the 7th National Socio-Economic Development Plan by placing its store of knowledge and experience at the service of the people and government of Lao PDR.