FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

Multistakeholder Dialogue on Implementing Sustainable Development





Multistakeholder Dialogue on Implementing Sustainable Development


The Mulitstakeholder dialogue is an innovation established by the secretariat in order to ensure a more effective and coordinated implementation of the global policy on sustainable development. The first Multistakeholder dialogue will focus on the decisions of the CSD-17 and its implementation by all interested stakeholders making sure that implementation is done in a harmonized and systematic way complimenting each other’s efforts. For more information about the dialogue, visit the DSD/DESA website at: http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/csd/csd_csd17_followup.shtml

FAO Participation
Mr. Javier Molina, Liaison Officer, presented to the meeting participants the Outcomes of the World Summit on Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Initiative (SARD). The presentations slides are attached below.