FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

New York Launch- 2016 Economic Report on Africa “Greening Africa´s Industrialization”

Statement by FAO LON Director, Ms Carla Mucavi


New York Launch

2016 Economic Report on Africa “Greening Africa´s Industrialization”

11 April 2016

Conference Room 1, UN Headquarters, New York

Statement by FAO LON Director, Ms Carla Mucavi



FAO thanks Mr. Abdelaziz, Mr. Mwencha and Mr. Lopes for the presentations and welcomes the report and its proposal on greening Africa´s industrialization. As Mr. Lopes said, the three pillars of sustainable development need to be intrinsically linked.


FAO supports African efforts to promote sustainable development, which will also help make this development be more inclusive, creating job opportunities, adding value to production, and taking advantage of the demographic dividend.


FAO works with the African Union, NEPAD, the Economic Commission for Africa and other partners in identifying opportunities and helping countries formulate and implement policies that support the adoption of sustainable agricultural production and improve the integration of family farmers, pastoralists and agro-pastoralists into value chains.


As highlighted in the report, the agricultural sector can play a key role in the effort to green Africa´s industrialization. My question to Mr. Lopes is on how does ECA see the potential to use agriculture as one driver of inclusive and sustainable growth in Africa?