FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

OCHA-UNDP briefing on Cyclone Idai





OCHA-UNDP briefing on Cyclone Idai


As you are already aware, the damage to crops, livestock and fisheries from Cyclone Idai - and consequently to the food security and nutrition for millions of people in the region – has been vast.

From early in its response, FAO activated its highest level response protocol- Level 3- in support of Mozambique and deployed significant resources to accelerate our support to all 3 countries.

In Malawi, FAO and agriculture partners continue to target 100,986 households (504,930 people) in the 15 districts affected.

In Zimbabwe FAO is assisting 23 000 households (117,160 people).

In Mozambique FAO is appealing for USD 19.2 million to reach 425 000 people. So far, nearly one-quarter – USD 4.5 million – is still unfunded.

FAO is also planning with WFP a Crops and Food Security Assessment Mission in Mozambique and is supporting the Post Disaster Needs Assessment which will inform the Main Agricultural Season Strategic Plan to be presented in late May.

As we look ahead, our immediate concern must be to ensure food security for the most affected and provide support to rehabilitating assets and livelihoods, while building resilience against such extreme events. The main agricultural season, which begins in October is crucial. Farmers cannot lose the season. To avoid a spiralling food security crisis, support to affected areas however must be widespread and sustained until harvests in April and May 2020 if not beyond.