FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

Briefing on the preparations for the World Humanitarian Summit by Mr Jan Eliasson, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations

Briefing by Mr Jan Eliasson, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations





Briefing on the preparations for the World Humanitarian Summit

by Mr Jan Eliasson, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations

Friday 11 March 2016


Your Excellencies


Distinguished colleagues


Ladies and Gentlemen


The World Humanitarian Summit has obliged us individually and collectively to stop, to stop and think about how we can do better and more to reach out to those affected by disasters and crises.


In a world in which millions of people are affected by disasters and crises, and who are at risk of being left behind - we can no longer do business as usual.  The overriding principle is very simple - people at the centre of humanitarian action and decision-making.


Together with the international community and our partners, FAO is committed to supporting the core responsibilities for action through an integrated effort.


We will upscale the protection and restoration of sustainable livelihoods as a means of contributing to conflict prevention and reducing people’s vulnerabilities. Our support will be geared towards building the resilience of communities, and supporting countries to get back on their path to sustainable development.


More than ever, we shall leverage and expand our local level partnerships, we will empower local actors to become agents of their own change, we will continue to link humanitarian work with prevention, resilience and development.  


We stand ready to work together to reform and rebuild a global system that prioritizes prevention and preparedness, retains the ability to protect life and dignity in crises, promotes genuine partnerships among local, national and international actors, and is flexible, responsive and agile enough for 21st Century demands. Bottom of Form

Thank you.