FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

STI Forum Side-event: STI for more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems and achieving SDG-2

Opening and welcome remarks by Vincent Martin, Director, Office of Innovation, FAO


Excellencies, distinguished panelists, scientists, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,  

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the FAO side event at the margins of the Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs 2024.

I believe that the theme of this side event sets the stage to mobilize and leverage the STI for more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems for achieving SDG2.

We need to accelerate agricultural productivity, reduce impacts of climate change, improve efficiency of using inputs, minimize the food loss and waste by applying STI to meet the targets of the SDG2.

In 2022, between 691 and 783 million people in the world faced hunger.

Conflict, climate variability and extremes, and economic slowdowns and downturns and impacts of COVID-19 are the key drivers behind these numbers.

Irrespective of the drivers, the role of science, technology and innovation (STI) is indispensable for achieving agrifood system transformation and SDG2.

The way we produce, trade and consume agricultural products is defined to various degrees by STI and achieving sustainability in all these areas requires STI-based solutions.

STI serve as a foundation for the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–31 and innovation and technology are the accelerators intended to speed up progress in meeting the SDGs.

FAO has rolled out several initiatives and mechanisms to foster agri-food systems transformation to leverage the unique and recognized added value of small-scale farming.

Excellencies and distinguished participants

I would like to highlight some of the key FAO initiatives:

FAO’s first-ever Science and Innovation Strategy adopted by the FAO Council in 2022 sets out the way to reinforcing the use of science and innovation to realize context-specific and systemic solutions for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind.

The Hand-in-Hand Initiative, an evidence-based, and country-led initiative uses advanced geospatial modelling and analytics, as well as a robust partnership-building approach to accelerate the market-based transformation of agrifood systems.

FAO’s work on Foresight and Agrifood systems, technology and innovation outlook (ATIO) not only contributes to disseminate emerging technologies and innovation but also helps to build a strong enabling environment for agrifood systems transformation.

Our 1000 Digital Villages initiative aims to equip communities with digital tools and services to fast-track rural transformation and wellbeing.

For example, in Senegal, in the framework of the Digital Villages Initiative offers satellite and AI-based services to advise farmers on nutrient needs of their farms and provide yield forecasts.

In South Africa, Zambia and other countries, FAO promoted Plant Village, a solution that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide farmers affected by Fall Armyworm with tools for diagnostic and management.

In the framework of Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP), FAO promotes integrated Agricultural Innovation Systems in over 15 countries by strengthening National Agricultural Research and Extension systems for co-creation of mission-oriented innovation to assist small-scale producers.

FAO has consolidated a new innovation model that encompasses a process of – exploring, catalyzing, unlocking and scaling.

This includes scanning the horizon for appropriate technologies and innovations and analyze, incubate and accelerate them by removing barriers and finally scale them up through a network of innovation hubs.

Furthermore, we play a crucial role in bringing together the partners and drive the process for a transformative partnerships and advocate for necessary investments for scaling up of technologies and innovations.

For stimulating discussions on science, technology and innovations, FAO initiated Science and Innovation Forum in 2022 with a theme of harnessing STI for transforming agrifood systems.

In 2023, the focus of the forum was on concrete solutions for climate action.

In October this year, we will organize our third Science and Innovation Forum to examine how we can better tackle and transform our agrifood systems. I would like to extend my personal invitation to you all to attend.

Building on all these initiatives, let us join forces and establish transformative partnerships to transform small-scale agriculture to achieve the SDG2. 

Thank you for your attention!