FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

UNFF11 High-Level Segment, General Statement



Eva Muller, Director of FAO’s Forest Economic Policy and Products Division


UNFF11 High-Level Segment, General Statement 14 May 2015





Distinguished Delegates,


Ladies and Gentlemen,


As many delegates have noted over the past week, 2015 is indeed a critical year to shape the future development agenda, and set forests’ prominent role in it. Undoubtedly, the foreseen agreement on the future sustainable development goals offers a huge opportunity for doing so. FAO believes the proposed SDGs will help to conserve, restore, and promote the sustainable use of all types of forests and terrestrial ecosystems, including by continuing to implement sustainable forest management (SFM).


In order to continue to be relevant, the future International Arrangement on Forests has to integrate the SDGs and the post-2015 development agenda in its work. This will imply stronger links between forestry and other relevant sectors and a broader range of stakeholders to be considered.


It will also mean putting people at the center of forestry development, ensuring that the multiple benefits from forests are enjoyed by all and contribute to sustainable development for all, including the most vulnerable parts of society – local communities, smallholders, indigenous people, women and youth.


Forests are explicitly considered in two SDGs, but they have a lot to contribute to many other SDGs as well. The forestry community, through the renewed and strengthened IAF, has the opportunity to ensure that this potential is fully realized and translated into concrete actions on the ground. The Global Objectives on Forests and the Forest Instrument provide the basis for this and they should remain responsive to new developments.


As an organization, FAO is uniquely positioned to support the implementation of the SDGs and the post-2015 development agenda due to its broad mandate that links agriculture, forestry, and fisheries with food security and nutrition. Our new cross-cutting strategic framework promotes cross-sectoral dialogue and action. Through or participation and leadership in the CPF and our programme of work we stand ready to put FAO’s expertise and experience at the service of the new IAF and the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda.


Strengthening the implementation of the Forest Instrument under the new IAF and progress towards achieving the Global Objectives on forests will require the combined efforts of countries, CPF member organizations and Major Groups. We are looking forward to working with governments, non-governmental stakeholders and out CPF partners to provide support to strengthening sustainable forest management on the ground and increasing the benefits from forests for people, thus contributing to reducing poverty and increasing food security.


Measuring progress in implementing the Forest Instrument and achieving the Global Objectives on Forests will require reliable data on all three dimensions of sustainable forest management: the environmental, social and economic aspects. Much of this data is available through FAO’s Global Forest Resources Assessment and other data collection processes, however, there is a clear need to strengthen the availability of data on the socio-economic aspects of forests. Together with partners we are working on strengthening existing databases by integrating forestry information and by developing appropriate indicators for measuring this important dimension of forests.


Mr. Chair,


The international community has made good progress in creating an enabling policy basis for promoting SFM. While we should continue pursuing the international dialogue further we should also recognize the need to step up implementation and ensure that these decisions are really making a difference on the ground. FAO stands ready to support member states in implementing these commitments and we are also fully at your disposal to help monitor progress and development. By so doing we can contribute to further progress at all levels and help member states to continue taking informed decisions and enhance the international dialogue.


Thank you.