FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

UNGA High-Level Event on “Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (2016-2025): From political commitments to actions on the ground”


FAO commends the general commitment to implement the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDA3).


It will be crucial not only to achieve SDG9 on sustainable industrialization, but also other global goals, including SDGs 1 and 2 on eradicating extreme poverty, hunger and malnutrition.


Agro-industry development is an important component of this process, especially in Africa, where most of the vulnerable population live in rural areas.


Investing in agro-industry can not only boost agricultural production, but also address all other components of a food system: such as processing, packaging, transporting, marketing and final consumption.


And this means more jobs, especially to youth.


An increasing demand for high-value primary and processed products can offer multiple employment opportunities especially for youth. 


Young people are not interested in traditional agricultural activities. They are keen to work in areas like agribusiness, storage, trade and retail, tourism and infra-structure.


In this regard, there is a clear need to invest in the preparation of rural youth to match the agro-industry’s demand for a skilled workforce.


FAO applauds the African Union (AU) for implementing a number of initiatives to promote youth employment in the agri-food sector.


Ladies and gentlemen,


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have a strategic importance in the promotion of employment and the development of agriculture value chains.


In this regard, FAO, UNIDO and other key partners have developed, for instance, a common initiative to support the Government of Senegal to reinforce its program called “Model of insertion of young people in Agriculture” through ICTs.


Another example of partnership between FAO and UNIDO is related to the operationalization of a program called the Accelerated Agribusiness and Agro-industry Initiative Plus (3ADI+).



This program was launched during the Global Expert Meeting on Agricultural and Agro-Industries Development, which took place in April in Zimbabwe.


The 3ADI+ is an innovative approach to combining technical assistance, investment and knowledge management required to leverage coordinated public and private sector investment. 


It will strengthen existing activities of FAO, as well as collaboration with partners to capture synergies and avoid fragmented efforts.


FAO and partners are ready to support countries to unlock the full potential of agro-industry development.


This can generate decent jobs, increase profits and create markets for value-added food products.


And also be key in delivering safer, more affordable, reliable, convenient, and nutritious food to urban markets.


Only by working together, we can achieve sustainable development, and build the future we all want without hunger and extreme poverty.


Thank you for your attention.