FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

UNGA High-Level Meeting on AMR Side Event “Global Action on AMR: Advancing Healthy Longevity and Sustainability under UHC”

Thanawat Tiensin, Assistant Director-General, FAO


  • On behalf of FAO, I extend my sincere gratitude to the organizers for hosting this vital event and congratulate Japan on playing a leading role in our efforts to address AMR. 
  • We are proud to collaborate with the Health and Global Policy Institute and the AMR Alliance Japan, both valued members of the AMR Partnership Platform that FAO is hosting on behalf of the Quadripartite.
  • While we have heard insightful perspectives from the human health sector, it’s imperative to recognize that AMR poses a profound threat to global agrifood systems. Without effective antimicrobials to manage infectious diseases in animals and plants, we jeopardize not only our food security but also global health, economic prosperity, biodiversity, and the integrity of our ecosystems.
  • Consider this: over 1.5 billion people worldwide rely on livestock for their livelihoods. Animal-sourced foods provide essential nutrients that sustain communities. Yet, a mere 4% of funding is directed toward supporting research and knowledge in the agrifood sector. This situation must change, as there can be no health without access to healthy and nutritious food. 
  • We must ensure that agrifood systems are an integral part of the solution, recognizing the bridge between human, animal, and environmental health.
  • In response to these pressing challenges, FAO has launched the RENOFARM initiative, highlighted in the Political Declaration on AMR.
  • RENOFARM empowers countries to transform their agrifood systems, reducing the need for and reliance on antimicrobials while promoting biosecurity and husbandry practices. It leverages preventive measures like vaccination and supports countries in enhancing regulatory frameworks and leveraging economic incentives and strategic partnerships.
  • FAO recognizes that robust surveillance is a cornerstone in the fight against AMR. Through collaboration with our resource and implementing partners, we’ve made significant strides, launching the International FAO Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (InFARM) enabling better data generation, analysis, and sharing to support informed decision-making in agrifood systems. 
  • We are grateful for Japan’s participation in the Asia-Pacific training and support for InFARM. 
  • Increased and sustained funding to support the implementation of NAPs, research and innovation, and transformation of agrifood systems is a cornerstone of efforts to address AMR.
  • The AMR Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) in coordination with other AMR funding streams such as the Pandemic Fund, Global Fund, AMR Action Fund offer established mechanisms for matching financial support with pressing need, to achieve the greatest impact. 
  • Replenishment of the AMR MPTF and increased support for similar funding mechanisms must be a priority in our action to address AMR. Similarly, addressing AMR necessitates multi-sectoral collaboration and multi-stakeholder engagement, founded on the One Health approach. The AMR Partnership Platform—a global governance structure on AMR—was established by the Quadripartite in 2022. This platform unites over 250 member organizations, federations, and networks across human health, animal health, food and agriculture, and environmental sectors.
  • Looking forward, the AMR Partnership Platform is poised to facilitate best practices and establish mechanisms to track global action and progress on AMR, utilizing a multi-stakeholder, multi-sectoral One Health approach. To drive action forward, we must work together, and the Platform serves as a crucial hub for gathering stakeholders, aligning our action, collective learning, and collaborating.
  • I would like to extend my gratitude to HGPI (Health and Global Policy Institute, Japan) for their invaluable contributions as a member of the Platform. I invite everyone here to join us in this global effort to combat AMR and safeguard antimicrobials that safeguard us, our animals and plants. Thank you.