FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Group of Friends Meeting



Talking Points

Sharon Brennen-Haylock, Director

FAO Liaison Office, New York


United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Group of Friends Meeting

18 February 2015, UN Headquarters, Conference Room 4


Sharon Brennen-Haylock, Director FAO LONMr. High Representative, Excellencies and Friends,


I am pleased to participate in this important meeting, and take the opportunity to commend the Alliance on its work to date.


FAO has a valuable partnership with the Alliance, as evidenced in the Memorandum of Understanding we signed in 2013 to “promote food diversity and prevent food waste”.


We carry out this shared commitment taking into account issues such as family farming, smallholders farming, fisheries, science and technology, education and the role of young people.


The Director General of FAO recently addressed the UN Peace Building Commission, where he pointed out that “Food Security is an important Foundation for peace, political stability and sustainable development.”  This is the case whether it is to prevent conflict or to help restore security in post conflict situations. 


In this connection, FAO and UNAOC have collaborated actively since the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, as we did for the Observance of the International Year of Family Farming.  We are now actively discussing further joint collaboration during 2015 to combat poverty and hunger, underpinned by our shared belief that food connects people with places, cultures and producers, and it is a common part of all human experience, a way to bring people together across cultural difference to promote diversity, inclusion and understanding.


I take this opportunity to mention the upcoming Milan Expo, the theme of which is Feeding the Planet for Life, which provides us further opportunity for collaboration.


In conclusion, FAO looks forward to its continued strong collaboration with UNAOC, as well as with others here, participating in the meeting. 


Thank You Mr. Chairman.