FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

Achieving SDG 15 is critical, says FAO


The 2018 High-Level Political Forum took stock of progress, challenges and enablers to reach Sustainable Development Goal 15 “Life on land” in a lively thematic review session moderated by René Castro, Assistant Director-General of the Climate, Biodiversity, Land and Water Department at FAO.

“SDG15 is often misperceived as an environmental goal lacking in social and economic dimensions – however, it is a key enabler of many other SDGs,” stressed René Castro. In his opening remarks, he also called attention to the impact of climate change on the availability of water and on biodiversity and the risk that overdependence on a few crops to meet humanity’s dietary requirements presents to biodiversity. Additionally, he warned that if we don’t successfully address the challenges presented by a warming climate and the degradation of natural resources, they would continue to be adverse drivers of migration.

Over 50 speakers, representing member states, major groups and the UN System took the floor in the session, following presentations by panelists that, together, touched upon a wide range of issues pertaining to SDG15 implementation, including the importance of environmental responsibilities and interlinkages of the SDGs; an integrated approach to protecting wetlands; effective, timely delivery of ecosystem services; and protection of forests.

SDG 15 addresses the conservation and sustainable use of forests, other terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity, including halting desertification and land degradation and combatting illegal trade in endangered species. Its achievement is central to providing environmental services essential for ensuring safe and sustainable water supplies, supporting sustainable food systems, and mitigating climate change.