FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

FAO highlights the importance of CERF to Member States


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) participated in the annual CERF high-level pledging event ‘A Fund for All, by All’. The event was hosted by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the United Nations New York Headquarters, as an opportunity to highlight the achievements of the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), for Member States to announce pledges for 2020, and to increase funding towards the target of US$1 billion, as endorsed by the General Assembly.

Established 13 years ago, CERF is the world’s global emergency fund, delivering fast and effective life-saving assistance wherever and whenever crises hit. To this date, CERF has allocated over US$6 billion to 104 countries, providing critical food aid, healthcare, water and sanitation, and protection.

In her speech, Carla Mucavi, Director of the FAO Liaison Office to the United Nations in New York, called CERF “a lifeline for farmers, herders, and fishers affected by humanitarian crisis.” FAO is the fourth largest recipient of CERF funding in 2019, a year when humanitarian needs have reached alarming levels due to conflict, disease outbreaks, and climate related emergencies. With CERF funding in 2019, FAO has been able tosupport around 4 million vulnerable people in 32 countries.

Echoing calls by ERC Lowcock and Member States to support Anticipatory Action as apriority for the Humanitarian system, Carla Mucavi emphasized that “FAO is a strong advocate for anticipatory action on the basis that protecting agriculture-based livelihoods ahead of disasters can mitigate and prevent food crises and reduce humanitarian needs”.  

Member State commitments to CERF announced today will be reported on the OCHA website on the coming days.

To read Ms Mucavi's full statement, click here.