FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

FAO highlights value of SIDS action framework at HLPF Thematic Review


Small Island Developing States face a unique set of challenges, limitations and vulnerabilities, and they need to be given special attention in order to reach their full potential and achieve the SDGs, said Maria Helena Semedo, FAO Deputy Director-General, Climate and Natural Resources, during the Thematic Review on “Taking Forward S.A.M.O.A. Pathway” during the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development on 12 July.

Serving as a panellist during the session, Semedo presented the Global Action Programme (GAP), a framework to accelerate action to ensure food security and nutrition in small island developing states.

“SIDS have fragile natural environments and are particularly threatened by natural disasters and climate change. With limited arable land, they have a high dependence on food imports. These are only some of the obstacles to food security and nutrition in SIDS. Addressing these complex issues requires multiple and coordinated actions,” she said.

The GAP was developed by FAO, UNDESA and UNOHRLLS responding to a request made in the S.A.M.O.A. Pathway. It focuses on three key objectives: the need to strengthen the enabling environment for food security and nutrition, the need to improve the sustainability, resilience and nutrition-sensitivity of food systems and the need to empower people and communities.

“The success of the GAP will depend on the extent that it is implemented, aligning, complementing and supporting existing regional and national food security, nutrition or development strategies of governments and development partners, in the framework of 2030 Agenda and its commitment to leave no one behind,” Semedo noted.  

The review session responded to UNGA Resolutions 70/202 and 71/225, noting that the HLPF shall devote adequate time at its 2017 meeting and at its future meetings to continue to address the sustainable development challenges facing small island developing states.