FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

FAO prepares for upcoming UNGA 76 discussions


Through its Liaison Office in New York, FAO stands ready to support Member State deliberations on agricultural development, food security and nutrition, rural poverty, agricultural technologies, family farming, and more.

30 September, New York – With the High-level week of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly behind us, the technical work of the UNGA and its six main committees are due to begin. The Second Committee (Economic and Financial), where substantive matters and developments on food and agriculture are discussed, will feature an active FAO participation during this 76th session. 

Under the Committee’s theme “Crisis, Resilience and Recovery Accelerating Progress Toward 2030,” issues of relevance to FAO’s mandate include agriculture, food security and nutrition, sustainable development, eradication of poverty, and disaster risk reduction.

During the upcoming session of the Second Committee, FAO will contribute to the presentations of several Secretary-General Reports in which it played a lead or co-lead role in their preparation. “This engagement bespeaks of the Organization’s inter-disciplinary and cross-sectoral knowhow, as evidenced in its new Strategic Framework 2022–2031,” explained the director of the FAO Liaison Office with the UN in New York, Qu Guangzhou. 

In the joint discussion of eradication of poverty and agriculture development, food security and nutrition, FAO will introduce the SG reports on the implementation of the UN Decade of Family Farming (2019–2028) on behalf of the FAO/IFAD Joint Secretariat of the decade, and on eradicating rural poverty to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, co-led with DESA, and will contribute to the presentation of the report on agriculture development, food security and nutrition, also co-led with DESA. In addition, FAO will provide an update on natural plant fibres and sustainable development.

During the discussion on sustainable development, FAO will introduce the SG report on combating sand and dust storms (SDS), on behalf of the UN Coalition to Combat SDS. FAO also co-led with DESA the preparation of the SG Report on agriculture technology for sustainable development

The Director of the FAO Liaison Office with the UN in New York will address the Second Committee. 

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