FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

HLPF SDG9: Agro-industry must become more inclusive, sustainable and resilient, says FAO


“Transforming food systems and making agro-industry more inclusive, sustainable and resilient will help create much needed decent jobs in on-farm and off farm activities,” Carla Mucavi, Director of FAO Liaison Office in New York, said at the Thematic Review of SDG 9 of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.

Mucavi also presented at the session the Accelerated Agribusiness and Agro-industry Initiative Plus (3ADI+), which was recommended for scaling up by the G lobal Expert Meeting on “Agriculture and Agro-industries Development towards Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems”, that FAO co-organized with UNIDO in Victoria Falls earlier this year, in preparation for the ECOSOC Special Meeting on SDG 9.

“[3ADI+] supports governments, farmers and other actors in agro-based value chains to create a more enabling environment that encourages greater responsible investments in the sector,” explained Mucavi.

The thematic review sought to discuss progress towards SDG9 and high-impact actions for the coming years. It also explored policy coherence among the development, infrastructure, industrialization, science, technology and innovation domains.