FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

Transform food systems to reach SDG2, say experts meeting in New York in preparation for HLPF


Transforming our food systems so that they are more sustainable, inclusive and resilient to climate change is key to produce safe and nutritious food that people need to thrive, agreed experts participating in the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on Progress in Achieving SDG2, in preparation for the High Level Political Forum (HLPF).

Over 100 experts form 40 countries, representing Member States, farmer organizations, cooperatives, civil society, NGOs, private sector, academia, CGIAR System, UN System other international organizations met in New York for an in-depth, 2-day conversation in the meeting co-organized by UNDESA, FAO, and WFP.

10 key messages of the EGM were jointly presented by FAO, IFAD and WFP at a briefing to the Member States on Wednesday 14 June. The EGM highlighted the importance of country-specific responses addressing the root causes of hunger, the importance of diversity, strengthening legal frameworks, promoting a rights-based approach, inclusive governance and involving rural communities.

“We need to recognize that the rural poor, including in many cases subsistence and family farmers and indigenous populations, that make up nearly 80 percent of the extreme poor in the world, are not only beneficiaries of different kinds of support but also and mainly are agents of change.

The meeting’s conclusions will be summarized into an outcome document that will inform the 2017 HLPF on progress in implementing SDG 2, including key political messages and policy guidance for countries on what is needed to accelerate the implementation of SDG 2 and achieve its targets.