FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

UN adopts resolution showcasing tea


The 74th United Nations General Assembly has designated 21 May as International Tea Day. The observance serves as an acknowledgement of the herb’s contribution to human health, socialization, rural development, and sustainable livelihoods.

The United Nations acknowledge the importance of tea as a major cash crop for millions of families in developing countries who base their livelihoods its production and processing. A labor-intensive sector, the tea industry provides jobs in remote and economically disadvantaged areas, and in that respect, it contributes to the fight against hunger, the reduction of extreme poverty, the empowerment of women, and the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems.

Tea also has a major cultural significance. Its consumption is linked to health benefits and informs human interactions and spiritual rituals.

That withstanding, the Intergovernmental Group on Tea has revealed that people in tea-producing countries consume less tea than the rest of the world.

The International Tea Day is set to foster and promote collective actions that will expand the demand for tea, ensure that it is produced in a sustainable way, and raise awareness of its importance in fighting hunger and poverty.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations will support the observance in collaboration with other relevant organizations.