FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

UNGA adopts resolutions on agriculture, food security, and nutrition, and rural poverty


FAO supported consultations on five resolutions during the Second Committee's 76th Session, adopted by the UN General Assembly.

The General Assembly considered this month the report of the Second Committee (Economic and Financial), and adopted substantive resolutions related to food and agriculture. FAO actively engaged in the work of the Second Committee.  

Against this backdrop, at the outset of the Committee’s deliberations in October, FAO presented for the first time to the Second Committee several Secretary-General reports, on agriculture development, food security and nutrition; rural poverty eradication; family farming; and combatting sand and dust storms. FAO also presented on the agenda item on natural plant fibres for sustainable development. In addition, FAO was also penholder of the report of the Secretary-General on agriculture technology for sustainable development. 

The Secretary-General reports, in turn, helped inform the Committee’s deliberations on the resolutions on (i) agriculture development, food security, and nutrition(ii) agriculture technology for sustainable development(iii) eradicating rural poverty to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development(iv) natural plant fibres and sustainable development; and (v) combating sand and dust storms.  

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