News archive 2009

Photo: ©WHO/B.Pavlin
In light of the novel H1N1 virus first noticed in Mexico and now showing up in other countries, the FAO-OIE Crisis Management Centre – Animal Health is mobilizing a team of experts to assist government efforts to protect the pig sector by confirming there is no direct link to pigs, increasing animal disease surveillance and maintaining response readiness should the virus become introduced into the pig sector.
Photo: ©FAO/Giulio Napolitano
A dairy project started by FAO in Kabul and four Afghan provinces: Logar, Wardak, Mazar and Kunduz, has proved so successful that the 1 600 farming families taking part have seen their incomes increase fivefold.
Photo: ©FAO/Peter DiCampo
High food prices persist in developing countries despite an improved global cereal supply situation and a sharp decline in international food prices. This is creating further hardship for millions of poor people already suffering from hunger and undernourishment.
Photo: ©FAO
During a joint visit to Ghana, the heads of FAO and WFP said their agencies are stepping up support to keep the country on course in its fight against hunger, malnutrition and poverty. Ghana is the only country in sub-Saharan Africa which has achieved the hunger reduction target of the Millennium Development Goal.
Photo: ©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti
International agencies on the front lines of the effort to increase food security will bring concerns on the impact of the economic crisis on small-holder farmers and on people's ability to afford food to the meeting of the G8 Agriculture Ministers in Treviso/Italy.
Photo: ©FAO/Giulio Napolitano
Belgium has agreed a programme for FAO to provide emergency assistance to poor farmers in Africa as part of an ongoing partnership that has totalled more than $80 million over the past twelve years.
Photo: ©FAO/Florita Botts
Much of the debate around biofuels has concerned liquid fuels used for transport which account for a small portion of total bioenergy use. Bioenergy, when produced on a small-scale in local communities, can play a significant role in rural development in poor countries, according to a new report by FAO and DFID.
Following the deadly earthquake in the Abruzzo region of Italy, FAO wishes to express its deepest sympathy with the victims and their families and extends its condolences to the Italian government and people.
Photo: ©FAO/Giuseppe Bizzarri
FAO has urged policy makers to include agriculture in negotiations for a new climate change treaty to replace the 1997 Kyoto protocol. Farmers that live off the land, particularly in poor countries, should be involved in carbon sequestration to mitigate the impact of climate change.
Photo: Jan Haaga/U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service
Sea cucumber stocks are under intense fishing pressure throughout the world, according to a new FAO report. In a majority of countries reviewed and in the African and Indian Ocean regions, stocks are overfished. In the Asian Pacific region the most sought-after species are largely depleted.