News archive 2009

Photo: ©FAO/Thony Belizaire
An extensive programme to multiply quality seeds in Haiti has helped boost food production and contributed to the decline in the number of hungry people in the desperately poor Caribbean nation. Almost 250 000 smallholder and landless farmers have or will receive adapted quality seeds through the programme which although only half way completed has already paid for itself many times over.
Photo: ©FAO/Alberto Conti
Weeds should be regarded as farmers' natural enemy No. 1. They cause some $95 billion a year in lost food production at global level, more than pathogens, insects or other predators. At today's prices, $95 billion translates into some 380 million tonnes of wheat, or more than half of world production expected in 2009. And of those $95 billion, $70 billion are estimated to be lost in poor countries.
Photo: ©FAO/Johan Spanner
FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf has invited governments around the world to participate in negotiations to agree on a declaration for adoption by the World Summit of Heads of State and Government on Food Security, to take place from 16 to 18 November 2009 in Rome.
Photo: ©Al-Riyadh
Saudi Arabia has decided to meet the costs, estimated at $2.5 million, of the upcoming World Summit on Food Security
Photo: ©FAO/R. Faidutti
Every year fires affect an estimated 350 million hectares of land, with damage to property, livelihoods and frequently loss of life. Uncontrolled vegetation fires also contribute to global warming, air pollution, desertification and loss of biodiversity. Fire prevention is one of the most effective counter measures.
Photo: ©FAO/Giusseppe Bizzarri
A major offensive aimed at bringing Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) under global control has been launched by FAO and the Paris-based World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).
Photo: ©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti
Europe steps up its support to farmers hardest hit by the economical slowdown and high food prices, FAO said today, welcoming a € 75 million ($105 million) donation from the European Union (EU) to help poor countries boost agricultural production.
Photo: ©FAO/R. Subasinghe
A killer disease is decimating fish stocks in the Zambezi River Valley, threatening the food security and livelihoods of rural populations in an area shared by seven countries.
Photo: ©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti
Domestic food prices in developing countries remain high despite a sharp decline in international prices and overall good cereal harvests, FAO warned today in its latest Crop Prospects and Food Situation report.
Photo: ©FAO/Pietro Cenini
Will Benin be self-sufficient in rice one day? Experts at FAO are forecasting just that, and going so far as to say that in time – probably as soon as 2011 – this West African country will even export its surplus rice output.